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This study aimed to investigate the potential impact of Somavedic EMF mitigation technology on sleep quality and perceived stress levels among women experiencing low-quality sleep and high perceived stress. The sample comprised 24 adults aged 30 to 40 years. Participants were assessed both before and after the intervention. The intervention was the standard instructions for the use of the Somavedic Luna.
This study's findings suggest that the Somavedic EMF mitigation technology has the potential to positively impact sleep quality, energy levels, physical comfort, and perceived stress among women experiencing low-quality sleep and high perceived stress. Significant improvements were observed in mood, energy level, physical comfort, reduction in aches and pain, and perceived stress. Additionally, there was a notable enhancement in sleep quality.
A groundbreaking study brings a new ray of hope for individuals grappling with wet age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD), a leading cause of severe vision loss in older adults. Conducted by a team of researchers at the prestigious Eye Clinic of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University and Masaryk Hospital in Ústí nad Labem, this research explored the effectiveness of the SOMAVEDIC device in supporting patients diagnosed with this challenging condition.
The study enrolled 18 patients with newly diagnosed wet AMD, dividing them into two groups. One group received a functioning SOMAVEDIC device for home use, while the other was given a non-functional placebo device.
After a month, the results were compelling. Patients using the active SOMAVEDIC device showed noticeable improvements in their condition, marked by enhanced visual acuity (Figure 1: BCVA in ETDRS) and reduced retinal swelling (Figure 2: CRT). In stark contrast, the placebo group saw no such benefits, highlighting the potential of SOMAVEDIC in slowing down of wet AMD.
Somavedic and BrainTap unveil study results confirming positive effects of audio brainwave entrainment and EMF mitigation technology on mental and physical wellbeing.
The results indicated a statistically significant improvement in the quality of sleep and mood, and a decrease in stress and depression, following the introduction of audio brainwave entrainment (ABE) and EMF effects mitigation technology (EEMT), when utilized separately and paired together.
The six-week study featured 20 participants, aged 34-65, who underwent two daily BrainTap sessions, utilizing a BrainTap headset while in close proximity to a Somavedic™ device. Results of the study found that 100% of participants experienced deeper, more restful sleep, while 90% noted a boost in happiness and overall disposition. In order to evaluate the results and effectiveness, the following assessments were distributed: Pittsburgh Quality of Sleep Index, The Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire, and The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21).
The study underscores the importance of understanding how the brain functions during sleep and how Somavedic can have a broad impact on various health issues that stem from stress and lack of sleep. The study's main limitations are the small sample size and lack of a placebo-controlled group. Nonetheless, the results are auspicious and call for further research to build on these findings.
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Evaluating the influence of the radiation of a commercially available current mobile phone on cell regeneration/wound healing of connective tissue fibroblasts, and the formation of superoxide anion radical of functional neutrophils in the course of an oxidative burst. Moreover, how Somavedic Medic Amber might be able to reduce the cellular effects of mobile phone radiation.
The results of one representative experiment demonstrating the effect of Medic Amber on the closure of a cell-free space in a layer of connective tissue fibroblasts by migration and proliferation.
Cell regeneration/wound healing of connective tissue fibroblasts and the activity of functional neutrophils as the first defense of the innate immune system against invading microbial pathogens is significantly decreased by mobile phone radiation. The use of the Medic Amber was able to attenuate these unwanted effects. Based onthe results of both tests, the use of the Medic Amber can be recommended to reduce the effects of mobile phone radiation.
The mean values for each experimental situation are given by the dashed lines in the appropriate color. The protective effect of Medic Amber against mobile phone radiation can be clearly seen in direct comparison to the unprotected situation.
Micrograph of cell regeneration/wound healing after 16 hours or migration and proliferation of connective tissue fibroblasts.
Note the different cell-free spaces within the dense cell layer.
Dartsch Scientific GmbH
of Biomedical Science and Research
Collaboration to develop smart therapeutical equipment in the frame of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) approach. Measuring BP, calmness and stress levels, and sleep.
The preclinical research met the expectations based on the observations of the Somavedic effects made by the Somavedic producer as well as the users throughout several years. The casuistic approach evaluates all the cases separately, no statistic evaluation was made.
Somavedic has positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
High BP becomes lower (in 7
cases), low BP increased in 2 cases.
Somavedic has positive effect on the nervous system.
exceptionally positive effect on psychological well-being was detected in 4
An almost general positive effect of the SMU on both physical and psychological well-being was detected.
The length and quality of sleep positively improved.
The Balneology Research Institute
Report on
the Preclinical Research (summary on page 12)
Testing of the Somavedic Medic device and its protective effect on our bodies `when exposed to electromagnetic radiation (from smartphones, Wi-Fi, etc) by measuring heart rate variability (HRV) as a diagnostic system for the testing.
The use of the Somavedic MEDIC device leads to demonstrable improvement in heart rate variability of 80% of test persons. It has a positive effect on heart circulation and helps the autonomic nervous system to maintain internal balance. The measured results show that the positive effect of the Somavedic Medic device increases with increasing duration of use.
International Association for Electrosmog Research (IGEF)
Somavedic Medic and
its effects on HRV (summary on page 35)
Examination of an effect of Somavedic Medic device in relation to the stress of EMF using analysis of blood cells in darkfield by exposing test subjects to the Somavedic field for 90min.
All patients during initial examination showed sedimentation of erythrocytes of different stages and malfunction of regulation. After the therapy of the Somavedic Medic device, each patient showed a significant improvement of sedimentation. All patients subjectively feel rested and fit.
International Association for Electrosmog Research (IGEF)
Effects of the
Somavedic Medic on red blood cells
Las EMF o frecuencias electromagnéticas existen en todas partes en el entorno. En nuestros hogares, escuelas y lugares de trabajo. Con la implementación exponencial de dispositivos conectados y 5G, es más importante que nunca aumentar nuestra conciencia sobre esta tecnología que todo lo penetra.
El agua estructurada (o hexagonal) es el agua que se encuentra en la naturaleza y en nuestras células. Es el estado de agua más biodisponible. Desafortunadamente, el envejecimiento está causando la pérdida del agua estructurada en nuestros cuerpos. Pero hay una manera de mejorar esto.
El estrés oxidativo es un desequilibrio entre los radicales libres y los antioxidantes en el cuerpo, lo que puede llevar a daños en las células y tejidos. Un gran número de evidencias científicas sugiere que el estrés oxidativo a largo plazo contribuye a una variedad de condiciones crónicas.
NUEVO: Efecto de Somavedic en la calidad del sueño y los niveles de estrés percibido entre las mujeres
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el impacto potencial de la tecnología de mitigación de EMF de Somavedic en la calidad del sueño y los niveles de estrés percibido entre mujeres que experimentan un sueño de baja calidad y un alto estrés percibido.
Estudio Somavedic sobre el sueño y la relajación (1,9 MB)
NUEVO: Efecto de Somavedic en pacientes con AMD húmeda
Un estudio innovador trae un nuevo rayo de esperanza para las personas que luchan contra la degeneración macular relacionada con la edad húmeda (DMAH).
Estudio de Somavedic sobre AMD húmedo (521 kB)
Somavedic y estudio BrainTap
Una nueva investigación muestra mejoras en la calidad del sueño, el estado de ánimo y la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca.
Investigación preclínica de la eficacia de Somavedic
Resultados que muestran efectos positivos en el sistema cardiovascular y nervioso, y mejora de la calidad y duración del sueño.
Informe sobre la Investigación Preclínica (68 páginas)
Asociación Internacional para la Investigación del Electrosmog
Informe sobre las pruebas biofísicas del Somavedic en el efecto protector al estar expuesto a EMF.
Somavedic Medic y sus efectos en la HRV (38 páginas)
Efectos del Somavedic Medic en los glóbulos rojos (8 páginas)
Los efectos de Somavedic en la estructura del agua y en los glóbulos rojos
Mejoras en la estructuración del agua y aumento de la estabilidad y simetría de los glóbulos rojos.
Cristales de agua antes y después de la exposición al Medic Green Ultra (0,5 MB)
Células rojas de la sangre antes y después de su tratamiento por el Somavedic (0,5 MB)
Efectos de Somavedic en la cantidad de iones negativos
Medición de iones negativos.
Medición que muestra 5.010 iones negativos /cm3 alrededor de un Somavedic (2,6 MB)